
Welcome to the Grand Junction Geological Society!

We are a Society of Earth Scientists interested in the natural resources, and geology of the region surrounding Grand Junction, Colorado.

We meet once a month for an evening meeting during the months of September through May. This meeting features an invited speaker.  We meet at 7:30 PM at the Saccommanno Room of the Science Building (Wubben Hall) on the Colorado Mesa University campus.

We conduct field trips on an ad hoc basis throughout the year and enjoy the comaraderie and diverse expertise of our members. We encourage membership and participation of all geologists from students to seasoned professionals, and we welcome all interested parties to our meetings.

For information on the Society please send e-mail inquiries to:  info@gjgs.org

An important opportunity for our OLDER MEMBERS to help GJGS (click here for details)

Support Opportunity for Geology Outreach to new CMU Non-Geology-Major Female Students: "Inspiring Women to Rock" (link):

Upcoming Events:

William Chenowith Memorial Field Trip:  Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024 8:30AM-late afternoon or evening. Announcement and details

September Monthly Meeting, This meeting will be our first post-summer meeting. Speaker TBA, Wubben Science Bldg, Lecture Hall 141, CMU Campus. This will be our annual Student Research Presentation Forum. 9 speakers will be presenting in person, and via Zoom (Zoom invite).  Presentation Abstracts (link)


Rocky Mountain Section of AAPG in Salt Lake for 2024,October 6-8 link for more info


Winners of 2023 Field Camp Scholarships and

Best CMU Student Papers 2022 









Meeting Announcements
Photo Album
Dues and Donations